Daxton Pride Book Three Plotting & Book Two Revisions

It’s time for an update!

I’m plotting the third and final book of the trilogy that kicks off the Daxton Pride series. Actually, I’ve been on it for a couple months now, and the first plot draft is nearly complete. It’ll go through a few more drafts before being finalized, which I’m hoping will be before November 2024.

The trilogy represents the only books of the series that will make more sense if read sequentially, but they can still be read in any order. It will officially be called the Tobin Williams Trilogy (mild spoiler, I know). Aside from that, the Daxton Pride series is designed as an open-ended series.

The plotting of this third book has settled into the structure that can be expected for all future books in the series. Maybe you’ll notice, perhaps you won’t, but there’s a definite and intentional progression of the structure among these first three books.

Book two of the series, Persistence, is still with beta readers as of mid-July. I’m still hoping to publish it by the end of the year. At the absolute latest it will be released sometime in Q1 2025. But I really, really want to get it out before then. It’s been far too long.

That’s all for me. See you later!

Daxton Pride Book Two in Final Revisions

Daxton Pride book two is in final revisions!

Book two will be released later this year, hopefully in the fall. I don’t yet have a final working title, but I have a few options I’ve been considering.

Book two is the centerpiece of the Tobin Williams trilogy. After the initial trilogy, I don’t intend for any of the books to “go together.” Though it is a series, the intent is that the books can be read in any order. However, the first three books have more overlap and connective backstory than future entries in the series.

I’ll be working away at revisions for the next couple months at least as we inch closer to a release date. A loose outline for book three is complete as well, but that will receive more priority once book two is released.

Year's End - 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, I want to take a minute to say thank you if you’re reading this. Because if you’re reading this, you’re likely interested in my writing. Even if you’re not, thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll take a look.

Daxton Pride book two will be published in 2024. It was a rough one that has taken two years too long, mostly because early in the process I lost the majority of my plot. So I had to re-plot the majority of the book, and this start/stop dynamic seemed to imprint itself on the entire project.

Long story short, book two is in revisions now, and count on seeing it in 2024!

Moving on, I’m currently in the brainstorming and preliminary plotting stage of Daxton Pride book three, which will mark the conclusion of the Tobin Williams trilogy. The trilogy experience has been an interesting and challenging one, and one from which I have learned many things. It really has been a great experience, and I’m glad I took it on. I’ve gotten to meet some wonderful characters, some not-so-wonderful ones, some downright nasty ones, but most of all I’m thankful I’ve been able to tell Daxton Pride’s story. There’s been laughs, tears, scares, and surprises along the journey, and the best part is that there’s still a long way to go.

The other project that I’ve green-lit is a novel that’s a departure from my typical adventure-thriller novels. It’s a type of story I’ve never written before, but I know I’m capable because otherwise the idea wouldn’t be so deeply rooted in me. It’s an idea I’ve been very passionate about since its inception in my mind just months ago, and I get excited every time I work on it. It’s also in the brainstorming and preliminary plotting stage. The nature of the project could probably be best described as a Sci-Fi Thriller, although it won’t adhere to Sci-Fi norms and tropes. It would probably even only fall into Sci-Fi because of the subject matter. And that’s all I’ll say about Project Echo Nexus. :)

Daxton Pride book three takes priority over Project Echo Nexus. My current plan is to start the first draft of Project Echo Nexus after Daxton Pride book three is published, so until then I’ll be brainstorming and plotting.

I’m taking the rest of the year off from Daxton Pride. In January or February I’ll start a second round of revisions, to be followed by rounds of editing unless a third round of revisions seems warranted (usually not). Until then, I think a short break and some time spent in Project Echo Nexus will do myself, Dax, Scarlett, Collins, and Dax’s family a world of good.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year to you! I hope my words find you again in 2024.

First Round of Revisions for Daxton Pride Book Two Complete!

I’m thrilled to announce that the first round of revisions for Daxton Pride book two is complete!

Obviously, I didn’t make the fall 2023 release as I’d hoped. 2023 held many challenges for me, both personally and professionally, so I’m just happy to have made this much progress.

This one has been one of the most challenging novels I’ve written, and not so much for literary reasons as for all the curveballs life threw me this year as I was revising. The next step will be revising for early reader feedback, which will likely include some rewrites.

That said, I’m shooting for a fall 2024 release. Hopefully the coming new year is a little more streamlined. :)

First Draft of Daxton Pride Book Two Complete!

I’m happy to announce that the first draft of book two in the Daxton Pride series is complete. Now the real work can begin.

I liken writing a novel to making something with pottery. You shape it, sculpt it, and refine it continuously until, at some point, you stop. As with most forms of art, writing is never really finished, per se, you just eventually have to stop working on it.

But when a draft is finished, that is when the author can really get to work. Because that’s when their slab of clay is finally piled and ready to be shaped and sculpted into what the author originally envisioned. Or not.

I’m shooting for a fall 2023 release.

Did I say something was finished? Because I think perhaps more accurately, I’m ready to begin.

Oh, and Merry Christmas! I’ll be taking some time off until after the first of the year, and then it’s back to work.

See you in 2023!

Daxton Pride Book 2 Update and 2022 Year In Review

The first draft of book two in the Daxton Pride series will be completed by Christmas. Then revisions and editing will begin.

It’s been a long road for book two. I finished developing the entire plot in March, then lost 3/4 of it in a drive failure. In typical former-IT-guy fashion, I apparently didn’t have it backed up. So I plotted again while simultaneously writing the draft. That took most of the summer, and by fall I was solely focused on writing the draft.

Ultimately, this set me behind schedule by a year. But every book has its own unique challenges, and this was the challenge for book two.

Because of the work caused by the data loss, I neglected social media for most of the year. During that time, I also stopped the mailing list. I have discovered that a social media presence is a sufficient measure for where things are at right now. For me, talking about projects I’m developing seems to take some steam out of the drive, so it was a measure that had to be taken with no room for debate.

Hopefully the change will serve to keep me focused on what matters most: Stories.

I hope this answers the questions that may have arisen over the course of the year. Count on seeing book two in 2023!

Daxton Pride Book 2 Draft Begun!

As of June 1, 2021, I have officially begun a draft of the second Daxton Pride novel in the series, tentatively titled Persistence.

The title is meaningful in ways that will be revealed throughout the story, but it’s also meaningful in ways I’ll discuss in future newsletters. Not subscribed yet?

Since 2021 has largely consisted of a certain type of insanity known as plotting, the book will be released in fall 2022.

I have a long-ranging plan for the Daxton Pride series. The first three books of the series (four, if you count the free introductory novella, Dishonor) are intended to be a trilogy. While they can be read as stand-alone novels, they do have overlap and will make more sense if read in order. Beyond the first three novels, the series entries will have little overlap and are intended to be read in any order.

I hope summer is treating you well. Try to stay cool, and I’ll be in touch again soon!

Daxton Pride: Injustice - Release Date Announcement!

The first novel in the Daxton Pride series, Injustice, will be released on Tuesday, September 22, 2020. Ebook and paperback editions will be available for purchase via Amazon.

Injustice begins where the free novella, Dishonor, left off.

Daxton Pride, a former U.S. Navy SEAL, is imprisoned serving a ten year sentence. Now—mysteriously—he’s been released.

When Dax sets out to determine how and why he was released, he finds himself caught in the web of a wealthy, powerful tyrant who wants to utilize Dax’s warrior skills to further his criminal empire.

Now, trapped in a do-or-die situation crafted by the oppressor who freed him, Dax must find a way to reunite his family and avoid using his hard-earned military training to become a ruthless killer.

Dishonor Release Date Announced!

Daxton Pride: Dishonor, the free novella that kicks off the novel series, will release on April 1, 2019.

It’s been a long road getting here, and to think it’s still only the beginning!

The first novel of the series, Injustice, will release next year (okay, hopefully sooner, but no promises!). The first draft for Injustice is about 3/4 complete and going strong.

I hope you’ll give Daxton a read, because his story is incredible. I’ve spent the past three years getting to know him, and I gotta say, he’s a pretty unique guy with a compelling story.

Dishonor will debut April first on Smashwords, closely followed by release on Amazon.